The organizing group is gathering the following types of resources, which will be posted on this page. Feel free to submit suggestions to info@potawatomi-trail.org.
- Curriculum for use in classrooms
- Guided tours of trail locations and associated history
- Map links and documentation for the trail
- Information about trails in other places, including those that connect to the Potawatomi-Miami Trail
- Links to videos related to the trail
- Photos of known trail locations
Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery
- The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery calls on the Christian Church to address the extinction, enslavement, and extraction done in the name of Christ on Indigenous lands. Learn about a growing coalition of Anabaptists and people of faith who are working in solidarity with Indigenous-led partners to heal the harm caused by the Doctrine of Discovery and related supremacist systems and structures. The Coalition’s website has curriculum and reparative justice resources that can be downloaded.
Resources for Knowing Your Place
- Luke Gascho compiled a list of resources to aid in gaining a deeper understanding of the places where we live. The links and suggestions are a compilation of sources he used to learn about the trail the Indigenous people used for centuries. The resources can be adapted to other locations across the continent. Click to download a PDF of the resources.
Bibliography of Indigenous History, Thought, Culture and Reparations
- This resource is a bibliography of books compiled by Luke Gascho from his library. He has found the input from Indigenous authors particularly instructive and inspirational. Click to download a PDF of the bibliography.
Elkhart County Historical Museum
- The Elkhart County Historical Museum has excellent exhibits on the history of the region prior to European settlement and the Indigenous people whose land we live on.
Goshen Historical Society
- The Goshen Historical Society has a display of the early maps of Elkhart County. The Potawatomi-Miami Trail is highlighted on the maps.